
ACCR media comment, updates and press releases.

Staff are available to provide expert comment, opinion and analysis on a range of ongoing and breaking news stories. Media Inquiries:

Rio Tinto responds to investor calls for better climate advocacy

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Active ownership delivers outcomes: BHP improves scope 3 disclosures & investors withdraw resolution

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Back to the Future 2: Japanese steelmaker Nippon Steel commits to coal-fired steel in USA for decades

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Back to the future: Japanese steelmakers Nippon Steel and JFE Steel buy into Australian coal mine

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New chair opens up opportunity for step change at AGL

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Glencore holds on to coal: ratcheted up transition risk needs a plan

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New research: What’s next for Woodside?

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Rio Tinto climate hypocrisy: ACCR to disengage following revelation of lobbying the Prime Minister on climate trigger

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Woodside thumbs its nose at majority of investors, doubles down with Driftwood LNG

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New research: Investors willing to go harder, faster on green steel

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Proposed changes to Australian mandatory disclosure liability a sensible accountability safeguard

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Nippon Steel: shareholders deliver Japan’s largest ever vote in support of climate lobbying resolution

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Shareholders vote for improved climate strategy at Nippon Steel’s AGM

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Investors still in the dark on Glencore’s transition risk

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Shell faces scrutiny for weakened climate plan

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Global asset managers back shareholder proposals urging Nippon Steel to lead on steel decarbonisation and climate lobbying

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J-POWER responds to shareholder pressure: five coal-power units to close by 2030

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Equinor AGM: voting non-state shareholders revolt as 32% support climate proposal

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Status quo inconceivable: majority of investors reject Woodside’s climate strategy

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Shareholder resolution can help steer Equinor towards Paris

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Shell commits to shedding light on emerging market lobbying

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Santos board granted another year to resuscitate share price

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New research: moving out of international waters sets Equinor on path towards Paris

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Proxy adviser calls time on Woodside Chair, Richard Goyder

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Coal miner Glencore defies investors - places reckless bet against the energy transition

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Setting a new standard: Rio Tinto commits to improved disclosure of plans to rein in emissions from iron ore processing

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No change at Woodside: Chair Richard Goyder rebuffs investor push for board up-skill

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“Short-sighted”: Shell stalls again on climate

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New research: Santos shareholders better off with capital return strategy

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New research: time for steel to shed its coal problem

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New research: Shell’s climate lobbying disclosures leave investors in the dark

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Systemic failings on climate governance: ACCR files members’ statement against re-election of Woodside Chair, Richard Goyder

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New tone, same climate plan: spotlight must be on Woodside chair

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Santos dividend no fix for share price woes

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Leadership hits the wall: ACCR files members’ statement against re-election of Santos’ Chair

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Santos Woodside merger dead: time for new vision

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Santos finally comes clean on Barossa guidance

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Federal Court ruling on Barossa pipeline gets Santos out of hot water - for now

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Incentives boost green steel in Japan

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Woodside and Santos merger discussions: Time for cool heads in the face of hurdles and complexity

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New research: Australia’s “golden era” of gas a dud for shareholders

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Santos Investor Day briefing - the rinse and repeat is becoming farcical

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Woodside: all spin, no substance on climate

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Qantas AGM: Another shareholder rebuke for Goyder-led board

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Santos Q3 2023 report raises important questions

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Once again, BHP plays pass the parcel on emissions

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New report: Australian companies lag behind their US counterparts on transparency and governance of political expenditure

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Government and investors face decommissioning ticking time bomb

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APPEA rebrand confirms spin is all fossil fuels have left

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Trion approval more a millstone than a milestone

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Woodside’s sugar hit over, time to face reality

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Woodside’s next “wave of growth” creates barely a ripple for shareholders

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J-POWER faces second consecutive year of shareholder dissent on climate at AGM

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Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility updates case against Santos in Federal Court

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Woodside board approves Mexican oil project despite constellation of risks

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“Impossible for Glencore to ignore”: Coal-mining giant hit with large shareholder vote on thermal coal risk at AGM

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Investors applaud Nippon Steel, as world’s fourth largest steel company takes strides towards green steel

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Global asset managers with close to US$3 trillion AUM support climate shareholder resolution filed with J-Power - flag voting ‘no’ on director

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“Missed opportunity”: Glencore ignores major investors’ calls for transparency on thermal coal as crucial climate-vote looms

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Woodside pays for climate failings with record-breaking vote against director Ian Macfarlane

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Surge in investors demanding greater transparency from Glencore on thermal coal production

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Woodside scrambles at 11th hour to save directors’ jobs

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“The tide is turning”: Significant vote against directors at Santos AGM

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“Extremely welcome”: Rio Tinto commits to enhancing its advocacy for effective climate policy

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“Time’s up”: Institutional investors call for Woodside directors to be held to account on climate strategy

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Woodside board appointments reinforce investor concerns on climate strategy

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New analysis: risky rate of return for Woodside Mexican oil project

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“Poor corporate governance”: Woodside ignores investor concerns on its climate strategy

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Santos’ CEO growth bonus remains in place as board faces potential second strike

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New research raises doubts about Paris-alignment of mining giant Glencore - increasing pressure as the company faces a shareholder resolution on thermal coal.

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“Culture of avoiding accountability”: Whistleblower debunks Santos’ claim oil spill didn’t kill dolphins

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Santos progresses marginal fossil fuel project under guise of energy security, CEO’s pay packet the only clear winner

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Government ignores the billion tonne elephant in the room with its Safeguard Mechanism updates

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Global investors unite on first ever shareholder resolution targeting Glencore’s coal production

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APPEA and members need to read the room

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Glencore acknowledges folly of coal expansion - cancels massive proposed greenfield coal mine in Australia

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Groundhog Day: Woodside stuck in denial of the energy transition

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BHP and Rio Tinto-funded advocacy continues to subvert democracy

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AGL shareholders make history by renewing board with climate competence and ambition

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BHP no longer leading and not even following on climate

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Proxy advisers reinforce AGL chair concerns

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IEA destroys energy security argument for new fossil fuels

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Heritage preserved: Glencore’s coal mine refused

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AGL climate plan falls short of Paris, McKenzie not the Chair to deliver

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Origin’s shift away from gas expansion celebrated by investors with 94% support for climate plan

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BHP ‘delusional’, seeks coal mine extension to 2116

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AGL finally reads the room, brings forward Loy Yang closure by 10 years

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Origin concedes to investor pressure, will include climate sensitivity in financial statements

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Safeguard mechanism with teeth needed

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Beetaloo divestment will not reduce emissions

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AGL: Botton, Smith-Gander and Hunt exit brings scope for fresh strategy

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Woodside blindly progresses Browse despite all advice to the contrary

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It’s showtime: HESTA not giving up on 1.5°C, holding fossil fuels to account

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Woodside uses war profits to double down on gas over transition

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ACCR calls on BHP to lead on climate advocacy, reflect climate risk in financial statements

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Origin’s climate cognitive dissonance: failure to factor in emissions from much hyped new gas basins

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Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility expands landmark Federal Court case against Santos

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Welcome news: South32 walks away from Dendrobium expansion

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Questions must be asked about delayed AGL board renewal and CEO appointment

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Safeguard Mechanism consultation will be feeding frenzy for industry lobby

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Climate in Origin’s financial statements: Closer but no cigar

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Origin’s industry association review ignores glaring misalignment with Paris Agreement by fossil fuel pushers

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BHP’s coal business cashes in despite its climate claims

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Origin’s climate risk is material, must be in financial statements

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Divestment a cop out - no evidence that divestment decreases emissions

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Origin a winner and loser in energy crisis

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ACCR appeals Woodside’s carbon bomb

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Woodside’s BHP merger drives further war profiteering

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Glencore knew of coal’s “gaseous nature” - action required on methane pollution

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Strong call by J-Power shareholders to strengthen decarbonisation strategy

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BHP finally listens to investors and commits to wind down Australia’s biggest thermal coal mine

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Glencore must step up after shareholder dissent to Climate Progress Report

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ACCR Supports Calls for National Cultural Heritage Protection Standards

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AGL Energy bloodbath was years in the making

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JFE Holdings Shareholders Welcome Company’s New Climate Commitments

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Woodside walloped on climate as it doubles down on fossil fuels with approved merger

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First institutional investor group-led climate shareholder proposals filed in Japan

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AGL ignores majority of shareholders, fails to set Paris-aligned targets

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Rio Tinto under pressure over QMM debacle and climate

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Santos shareholders revolt on climate, rubber-stamp lobbying

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Glencore shareholders deliver rebuke to board over coal plans

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New ACCR analysis: investors rubber stamping weak climate plans

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New research: ‘Damning’ - Glencore’s emissions baseline understated by at least 24%

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Finally, Rio Tinto exits the Queensland Resources Council

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Rio Tinto’s decision on Queensland Alumina welcome; Origin Energy still to act

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IPCC: lobbying by vested interests is the problem

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Climate Action 100 benchmark: too much carrot, not enough stick for the biggest polluters

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Cognitive dissonance: Glencore’s coal expansion plans are not ‘responsible’

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AEMO confirms need to get off gas

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Santos confirms gas-fired recovery is all about exports

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Origin Energy & Rio Tinto must act on sanctions

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Origin Energy & Rio Tinto must take immediate action on Deripaska and Vekselberg interests

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Origin Energy must act on Vekselberg before sanctions

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Rio finally breaks ranks with WA Chamber of Minerals and Energy

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Rio Tinto and Worley’s exits from Russia welcomed

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Origin Energy’s Science Based Target to be revoked over climate wrecking gas basins

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AGL Energy board gambling with other people’s money

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AGL Energy directors lack skin in the game

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Window dressing: Origin must suspend JV with Falcon

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IPCC report: fossil fuels are “choking humanity”

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Australian companies must urgently review ties with Russian oligarchs

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Rio Tinto board fails to deliver on 2021 lobbying commitment

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AGL takeover bid unlikely to be the last

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Woodside’s Scope 3 plan is a joke

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Origin shows AGL how it’s done, must now address gas

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Solution to shortfall is getting off gas

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Not cheaper, not clean and not displacing coal: new ACCR report debunks gas industry spin

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ACCR demands more transparency on decommissioning, calls for an end to pro-oil & gas lobbying

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ACCR demands more transparency on decommissioning, calls for an end to pro-oil & gas lobbying

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AGL ignoring shareholders, still failing on climate

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Rio harassment report: disturbing findings, transparency welcome

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ACCR welcomes Woodside withdrawal from Myanmar

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Incitec Pivot shareholders revolt on climate

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Dendrobium decision reeks of state capture

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Woodside’s debt dressed up as equity in climate-wrecking project

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Woodside ignores COP26, accelerates emissions growth

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BHP climate plan a greenwash

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FMG AGM: Support WA Aboriginals’ calls to pause current ACH Bill

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BHP offloads coal assets to a climate laggard

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Investors must rein in APPEA’s tobacco-inspired ad campaign

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Rio Tinto shows BHP how it’s done

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Origin Energy cops shareholder heat on gas

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Juukan Gorge Caves Inquiry - time for best practice cultural heritage laws

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BHP shareholders support coal mining beyond 2050

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Incitec Pivot must set Paris-aligned targets

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Fortescue embarrasses BHP and Rio Tinto on steelmaking targets

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ACCR launches Global Climate Insights

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South32 puts industry associations on notice over climate

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Majority of AGL shareholders demand alignment with the Paris Agreement

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APPEA apology to ACCR

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BHP must end support for fossil fuel expansion

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Santos and Oil Search merger compounds stranded asset risk

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Carbon lobby continues to dominate Australia’s climate debate

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Big super funds missing in action on ESG votes

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FMG resolution: support WA Aboriginals’ calls to pause current ACH Bill

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ASX 100: Labour falling through the cracks

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Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility files landmark case against Santos in Federal Court

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South32 must end pro-coal lobbying to align with its own targets

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Origin must align lobbying and capex with Paris Agreement

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BHP-Woodside merger a disaster for shareholders and climate

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AGL says it won’t adhere to Paris Agreement

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Tomago going green is the nail in the coffin for AGL’s Bayswater

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IPCC report: wrong way, go back

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Origin must abandon gas exploration to be 1.5°C aligned

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BHP must cease lobbying efforts which are inconsistent with Paris targets

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Santos and Oil Search merger climate vandalism of the highest order

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Qantas: Unlawful Outsourcing of Ground Handling Crew

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AGL’s Say on Climate commitment welcome, Paris-aligned targets still needed

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Progress welcome in resolving Bougainville mine grievances

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AGL must set Paris-aligned targets for demerged companies

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Santos’ bid for Oil Search proves net zero target is just greenwashing

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Australian mines: Two-tier workforce threat to safety

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Fair Work Ombudsman focus on contract cleaning spot on

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AGL demerger plans underwhelm, ignore climate concerns

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Fossil industries stuck in the fossil age

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Rejection of renewable energy hub another sign of a government lost on climate

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Cosmetic Compliance Not Enough for Commercial Cleaning

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APPEA and its members continue to block meaningful climate action

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Woodside claims to be reducing emissions by increasing emissions

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Woodside and BHP Scarborough project conflicts with a net zero future

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Extraordinary 24 hours has massive implications for Australian oil and gas industry

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IEA signs death knell for new fossil fuel projects

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South32 sets new target, but has more to do

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Deliveroo must provide investor certainty

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Fresh thinking needed at AGL

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Santos’ CEO bonus at odds with Paris Agreement

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New Woodside CEO must be allowed to determine new growth strategy

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Equinor first oil major to exit APPEA

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Climate Change Authority stacked with gas lobbyists

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ACCR welcomes additional reporting by Scentre Group

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Fissured workplaces has Australians falling through the cracks

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Santos’ Barossa project is a carbon bomb

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AGL abandons responsibility on coal closure

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AGL must lead the energy transition

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Oil Search adopts ‘Say on Climate’

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Largest Australian companies failing on climate

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Emissions are down with Coles’ new targets

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Woodside adopts ‘Say on Climate’

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Rio Tinto board delivers final warning to climate blockers

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Oil Search urged to adopt ‘Say on Climate’ as momentum builds

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Santos adopts ‘Say on Climate’

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FMG leads on climate, Twiggy must abandon gas projects

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Yallourn early closure a sign of the times

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Rio Tinto must stop funding climate blockers

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The clean out continues at Rio Tinto

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Rio Tinto becomes first Australian company to commit to climate vote

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Glencore leads the way with commitment to climate vote

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APPEA calls for the end of Australia’s oil and gas industry

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Say on Climate launches with resolutions to Santos and Woodside

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AGL and Origin writedowns: stranded assets in real time

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‘An afterthought’: Investors must hold Rio Chair to account

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Scentre Group agrees to boost pandemic reporting

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Super funds divesting from fossil fuels before exhausting all engagement options to deliver for climate

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Juukan Gorge Caves Inquiry—serial and cumulative failings

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G8 wage theft a failure of governance - what else is failing in this childcare system?

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Santos targets ignore the elephant in the room

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Woodside climate targets: uninspiring business as usual

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Origin AGM: transparency on Indigenous consent and climate lobbying must improve

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BHP investors remain focused on lobby groups

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BHP resolution withdrawn: First Nations Alliance reaches outcome with BHP

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BHP dumps QRC; Origin and Santos should do the same

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AGL AGM: Blackrock support demonstrates Australian investors lag foreign peers

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Narrabri gas project: investors now last line of defence

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FMG rejects ACCR shareholder resolution: courier delayed by COVID related issues

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Gas lobby secures taxpayer funding from Federal government for a failing industry

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Rio Tinto takes the first step to recovery

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FMG resolution calls for moratorium on desecration of Indigenous sites and cease gag orders on traditional owners

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BHP: not good enough; try harder

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BHP must commit to cutting fossil fuel production

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Renewable energy good for BHP, but not for everyone else

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BHP, Origin Energy, Santos & Woodside aiming to destroy the Clean Energy Finance Corporation

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Woolworths: Wage debt now a third of company's profits

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Ansell rakes in cash but no assurances against modern slavery

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Rio board review: financial penalties completely off the mark of damage caused; CEO must go

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Hotel Quarantine Inquiry: Appalling testimony - profits ahead of safety yet again

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David Murray’s rejection of ESG risk finally catches up with him—and AMP

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BHP backs away from Kyoto credits, issues new guidelines for lobby groups

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AGL’s battery investment: excellent step; now repeat

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BHP resolution: moratorium on desecration of Indigenous sites and cease gag orders on traditional owners

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BHP Resolution: cease lobbying efforts on COVID-19 recovery which are inconsistent with Paris targets

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AGL on a collision course with Paris targets and investors

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Plans for fossil fuel-led recovery are outright dangerous

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Inghams’ COVID cases unsurprising

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Woodside, Origin writedowns: harbinger of oil and gas industry woes

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Profits ahead of safety yet again - subcontractors with minimal training guarding Melbourne quarantine hotels

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Nothing new: AGL’s latest climate statement is same old, same old

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MCA Climate Action Plan a delay tactic with no detail or tangible actions

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Glencore making a mockery of its coal commitment

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Gas industry has its claws in the recovery commission

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Investment giant excludes AGL over coal, puts BHP ‘under observation’

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Woodside shareholders slam climate inaction

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Big tech involvement in Covidsafe app warrants further scrutiny

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Santos shareholders repudiate board’s climate direction in world first vote

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Rio Tinto rebukes MCA on thermal coal, does not support use of Kyoto carryover credits, but keeps funding climate wreckers

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Airline workers must share in industry stimulus package to Qantas, Virgin, Regional Airlines

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Corporate complicity in immigration detention heightens risk during public health crisis

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Covid-19 exacerbates Aged Care crisis

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Woodside to face investor pressure on expansion plans, lobbying and propaganda

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Coles, Wesfarmers underpayments point to widespread governance failure

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Vote Like You Mean It Preliminary Report 2020

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Super Funds Failing To Step Up On Climate

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Investors should ratchet up pressure on Siemens over Adani deal

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ACCR response to BHP lobbying review

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Mike Henry’s proximity to climate wreckers should concern investors

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Coles AGM: Company urged to address Modern Slavery

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BHP AGM: Australian investors take a stand on anti-climate lobbying

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Woolworths underpayments a warning for governance of broader supply chains

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Qantas asylum seekers resolution — largest ever vote against a board on human rights issues

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Qantas board to face shareholders and experts on deportations and transfers to danger

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Big banks must stop funding lobbying against climate policy

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BHP investors declare time’s up on anti-climate lobbying

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AGL Energy AGM: Australian investors lagging on pollution

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BHP under pressure on climate lobbying

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ACCR files worker exploitation resolution with Coles

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Biloela family deportation facilitated by commercial entities profiting from human rights abuses

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International investor backs Qantas human rights resolution

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ACCR files five shareholder resolutions with Origin

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Aust PR company snubs international law in response to refugee abuse

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QLD legislation recognises the importance of Aged Care workforce in providing quality care

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ACCR: NUW report shows supermarkets must do more to manage exploitation in farm supply chains

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Mercer PR ruling a warning to companies linked to refugee policy

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ASX 100 failing to disclose workforce

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New ACCR report finds growing support for shareholder proposals

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Unanswered questions over supply safety risks in Sigma’s supply chain

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Santos challenged on climate at AGM

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Telstra to scrutinise Business Council's 'Climate Policy Obstruction'

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Equinor poised to pressure lobbyists undermining climate action

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Labor ‘captured’ by gas industry

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Rio Tinto Industry Association commitment

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Media comment: Shell’s industry association review fails Australia

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New ACCR report finds decent work crucial to security of prescription drug supply

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Franchising report: investors must hold franchising companies accountable for widespread wage theft

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Climate villains victorious in WA

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Santos Climate Change Report 2019: reduce emissions by burning more gas

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Glencore declares ‘peak coal’

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On the landmark Rocky Hill mine decision

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Banking Royal Commission: regulators must overcome ‘catastrophic impotence’

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Ken Henry calls out Business Council on climate; refuses to rule out Bight oil and gas projects

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Investors call for Australia to close coal power by 2030

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Has BHP Chosen Coal Over Coral?

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NAB commits to reviewing lobby's role in climate and energy

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Origin Energy AGM: record 46% vote slams anti-climate lobby

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Westpac to scrutinise Business Council of Australia’s climate lobbying

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ACCR to increase shareholder activism after IPCC report

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ASIC report proves investors must step up on climate risk

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Shareholders challenge Origin consent under UN principles

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Airlines at risk of engaging in human rights abuses as more asylum seekers and refugees await removal to Sri Lanka

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Qantas responds to deportations to danger - out of step with investors and international law

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Qantas to face shareholders at AGM - deportations to danger

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ACCR to file shareholder resolution calling on Qantas to end deportations to danger

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Shareholder action under consideration over Qantas’ position on asylum and refugee deportation

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Gender pay equity: ASX 100 companies rated

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Minerals Council’s coal projections at odds with Paris Agreement

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Investors have a key role to play in the energy debate

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Rio Tinto: 18% vote against coal lobby

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Shareholder revolt at Rio Tinto’s London AGM over “outright climate hypocrisy”

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BHP to remain in the US Chamber of Commerce

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BHP risks investor blowback through association with Canavan’s fossil fuels-friendly taskforce

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Response to MCA’s updated energy policy

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Rio Tinto decision not to allow the resolution to be heard at the UK AGM

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Global investors worth AU$84 billion line up against coal lobbying: Rio resolution

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BHP and MCA at loggerheads on coal, again

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ACCR's lines on BHP review

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The Minerals Council of Australia strikes again – kills off Clean Energy Target in Australia

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Minerals Council membership on the chopping block at BHP AGM tomorrow

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BHP’s millions for Minerals Council speak louder than words

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BHP AGM: UK investors face-to-face with Australia’s ‘decade of climate and energy policy chaos’

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$430 billion CalPERS to support BHP shareholder resolution at UK AGM

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Brendan Pearson's resignation as CEO of the Minerals Council of Australia

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BHP shareholder resolution requests end to relationship with Minerals Council of Australia

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BHP responds to shareholder concerns about the Minerals Council of Australia

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