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This document has been prepared by the Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility Inc. (ARBN: 648 883 194) (“ACCR”).



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This document has been prepared as information or education only without consideration of any user's specific investment objectives, personal financial situation or needs.  It is not professional advice or recommendations (including financial, legal or other professional advice); it is not an advertisement nor is it a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any financial instruments or to participate in any particular trading strategy. Because of this, no reader should rely upon the information and/or recommendations contained in this site.  Users should, before acting on any information contained herein, consider the appropriateness of the information, having regard to their objectives, financial situation and needs. It is your responsibility to obtain appropriate advice suitable to your particular circumstances from a qualified professional before acting or omitting to act based on any information obtained on or through the report.  By receiving this document, the recipient acknowledges and agrees with the intended purpose described above and further disclaims any expectation or belief that the information constitutes investment advice to the recipient or otherwise purports to meet the investment objectives of the recipient.

Information not complete or accurate

The information contained in this report has been prepared based on material gathered through a detailed industry analysis and other sources and although the findings in this report are based on a qualitative study no warranty is made as to completeness, accuracy or reliability of fact in relation to the statements and representations made by or the information and documentation provided by parties consulted as part of the process. References in this report to ”GCI estimates” or “Global Climate Insights estimates” are to estimates prepared by ACCR based on information available to it and what ACCR considers to be reasonable methodology and assumptions, and no warranty is made as to its completeness, accuracy or reliability.

The sources of the information provided are indicated in the report and ACCR has not sought to independently verify these sources unless it has stated that it has done so. ACCR is not under any obligation in any circumstance to update this report in either oral or written form for events occurring after the report has been issued. The report is intended to provide an overview of the current state of the relevant industry or practice.

This report focuses on climate related matters and does not purport to consider other or all relevant environmental, social and governance issues.

Any prices stated in this document are for information purposes only and do not represent valuations for individual securities or other financial instruments. ACCR does not represent that any transaction can or could have been effected at those prices, and any prices do not necessarily reflect ACCR’s internal books and records or theoretical model-based valuations and may be based on certain assumptions. Different assumptions by ACCR or any other source may yield substantially different results.

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