Publication Investor handbook: Engaging with the steel sector

This handbook aims to support investors in company engagement, a key tool to drive value and enable emissions reductions in the steel sector.


This document is a resource for investors engaging with iron ore miners and steelmaking companies, developed alongside ACCR’s report, “Forging pathways: Insights for the green steel transformation”. It provides information to guide and support investor engagement with companies across four key areas:

  • technology pathways
  • capital allocation
  • emissions disclosure and targets
  • governance.

Each section outlines relevant questions for investors to ask during company engagements, and the best practice responses they should be looking for. It provides a list of common company responses, with supporting evidence and follow-up questions.

This handbook should be used in conjunction with the “Forging pathways” report, which includes a comprehensive summary of iron and steelmaking decarbonisation pathways and their potential; major global trends across the value chain; overview of relevant policies; and concrete recommendations for companies, investors and policymakers.

To provide a sense of broader investor sentiment we’ve also included highlights of a survey of 500 global investors, commissioned by ACCR. The survey asked respondents with investments in steelmaking, iron ore and/or metallurgical mining, a series of questions relating to the decarbonisation of the steel sector and its value chain. The results provide valuable insights into investor expectations for the sector.

Investors will play a major role in ensuring a decarbonised steel sector is a reality by 2050. This handbook aims to support investors in company engagement, a key tool to drive value and enable emissions reductions in the sector.

View downloadable PDF of Investor handbook: Engaging with the steel sector | 04/2024

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